
The undead forces attack you in numbers. Although they possess alot of weaknesses, these creatures make up with their numbers. Their hatred for the living spurns their quest for human blood, and will stop at nothing to ravage any humans they encounter. Below is a graph of any undead creatures that you may encounter.

The skeletons are probably the first creatures you encounter in the dungeons. Further down, you will encounter stronger of their kin, so watch out.

Skeleton Type
Skeleton (Axe) none Magic 1-2 1-4
Corpse (Axe) none Magic 4-7 3-5
Burning Dead (Axe) fire Magic 4-6 3-7
Horror (Axe) lightning Magic 6-10 4-9
Skeleton (Bow) none  Magic 2-4 1-2
Corpse (Bow) none Magic 4-8 1-4
Burning Dead (Bow) fire Magic 5-12 1-6
Horror (Bow) lightning Magic 7-22 2-9
Skeleton (Captain) none  Magic 3-6 2-7
Corpse (Captain) none Magic 6-10 3-9
Burning Dead(Captain) fire Magic 8-15 4-10
Horror (Captain) lightning Magic 17-25 5-14

You'll also encounter zombies early in the game. These creatures are slow, but they pack a punch. Early adventurers are advised to take them out from range, or hit them hard and get out before they hit you.

Zombie Type
Zombie none magic 4-7 2-5
Ghoul none magic 7-11 3-10
Rotting Carcass none magic  7-12 5-15
Black Death none magic 12-20 6-22